Jun 08

A general purpose update

by in David's Ramblings, RV

Things are moving forward.  Diane and I have had some discussions about timing of our departure, and then the schedule for the first few months.  It looks like Indiana for Novemberish time frame, back to CA for December/January, and then ??? for January/February.  We’d talked about Florida, but might just spend some time getting there and hang in AZ, NM, and TX for a couple months as we move across.

The RV is coming along, and fixes/updates are progressing as time permits.  After a couple orders and some searching, it looks like we have the right replacement parts for one of the drawers, and have already fixed a few other odds and ends that required parts from Winnebago.

Our latest challenge is in the area most dreaded by when people first start looking at how an RV or Camper work.  This is with regards to the waste holding tanks.  There are two, one gray, and one black.  The gray gets the water from sink and shower drains, and the black tank gets everything from the toilet.  While I have watched a few videos on how to manage and drain the tanks, it seems that what I have watched so far does not cover everything.  We need something to “flush” the tanks.  The gray is not that bad, as it does not really see any solid wastes.  The black however, is a different story.  I’ve found a few options now, and they are fairly inexpensive, $50 or less.  I need to get over to the RV, crawl under it, and see what we have.  Could be someone has installed some things already, or that I need to pick some up and get them in.  Either way, we’ll be making a big improvement on the situation soon enough.

In other news, our last trip was a last minute plan to head out for Memorial Day weekend.  This trip was our first to a KOA.  We found an open spot in Banning, CA, and stayed from about mid-day Saturday to mid-day Monday.  The location was nice, and the campground (or Kampground as they call it in KOA world) was a nice mix of long term and short term residents.  There was everything from tents to the big 40 foot rigs.  The only issue we saw was that the weather was cold and windy on Sunday, but that just allowed us to head over to Palm Springs, where it was warmer with no wind, and hang out for a while.  A good time was had by all.

The next trip scheduled is not till August.  I’m hoping we can find some more time between now and then to just get more time in the rig, but we’ll see.  The work schedule and all the activities the girls have planned could prevent any trials in June or July.  The August trip will be for a week+, so that should be fun.  Cruise up to San Francisco, Sacramento, and a few places in between.

That’s it for now.  More to follow in a couple weeks.

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