Jan 28


by in David's Ramblings, RV

It’s been almost 3 weeks now since we bought the RV. We’re still working with the financing guy, and waiting to hear when we can pick it up and get our orientation. This financing “thing” was way different than when we bought any other car, and even different than when we bought the house. It is pretty cool though, just takes time.
Got a storage spot for it up in Lake Forest off of Bake. Should be a good place to keep it, and to work on it for small projects at times too.

Plans are already made. We have THREE camping reservations booked right now. First one is at an RV resort down in San Diego in just two weeks. We won’t have the “dinghy” setup by then, but should at least have the basics like dishes and toiletries. 🙂

I have a trip to Las Vegas next week, so we’re hoping to get into the RV before Sunday. Tata for now.

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