Oct 13

Getting down to the wire…

by in David's Ramblings, Family, RV

We’re heading out three weeks from today.  I have no idea how we are all going to actually get all of our things packed, stored, loaded, etc., let alone deal with all the emotional aspects of what we are doing.  It’s been a trying time for each one of us at different times along this journey.  I’m very proud of all the girls for not letting the sad aspects get in the way of the certain adventure.

We’ve got a storage place lined up, Diane and Molly are packing and picking out what goes in the RV.  98% of all the updates for the RV are done.  We’ve even got movers planned.

It’s almost here.  I for one will be happy to get past that initial departure, and to get to our first destination, Nashville.

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