Apr 07

Getting the “Toad” / “Dinghy” ready

by in David's Ramblings, RV

In the RV world, they call them Toads or Dinghy’s, but it’s basically the car/truck/jeep you pull behind your RV. You could use a trailer, or a tow dolly, or “flat” tow, where all four wheels of the towed vehicle are on the ground. Flat towing is the best from the stand point of reducing weight behind the RV, and for easy of disconnect when needed. But, you need to make sure the vehicle you tow can be flat towed.

Originally, we were going to tow the FJ. This would require not only the tow bar, base plate, wiring, and brakes, but also a drive shaft disconnect as the FJ is not able to be flat towed without the disconnect. Also, I took the FJ to a scale. With all the modifications and such, it came in very close to the 5000 lbs capacity of our RV. I wasn’t comfortable maxing out my towing abilities given that we are likely to be bringing more stuff in the RV than the typical vacationer.

So, we gave Diane’s car to a friend, and used a pre-approved vehicle loan from the credit union to buy a used 2007  Honda CRV.  This car has the ability to be flat towed, has a great reputation, enough room for us to be comfortable, and the weight is less around 3500 lbs.  Diane loves the car, as it came with heated seats, probably her favorite add-on of all time.  All the vehicles are 2007 now.  Still undecided on what to do with the FJ.  We’ll likely keep it at first, just need to find a home for it either here in California, or possibly at my sisters in Indiana.  Might also sell it too, just not sure yet.

Well, the inspiration for this post today is that the CRV is over getting a base plate, lighting, and brakes installed today at the El Toro RV center in Irvine.  This should be finished later today or early tomorrow, and then the RV goes over for part of the braking system install, and some final fitting up to be done.  Hopefully by the end of the day tomorrow, we’ll be ready to take our “Toad” with us to The Springs at Borrego RV Resort in a couple weeks, and then wherever else we venture too beyond then.  Keeps getting closer!

Just to add some specifics… We have a Demco Baseplate, Demco Dominator Tow Bar, and the Unified Tow Brake System from US Gear. So far, I’ve just used/driven with it from the service center to the storage center, so the upcoming trip should be a learning experience!

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