Apr 27

Next outing – Girl Scout “Scout Out”

by in David's Ramblings, RV

This weekend we’ll be at our next RV adventure.  This time, Diane and I will be in the RV at a camping area adjacent to the Girl Scout “Scout Out” here in Orange County.  Unlike last weekends RV Resort, this one will be a BIT more primitive, with no hookups or amenities, unless you count the nearby pit toilet and surrounding nature an amenity.  Should be a great time to see how we fair at “boon-docking”, as they call it.

Oh, and I’ve added a twitter feed connector, so all the people (all 32 of them) that follow me on twitter will now get an update from me when we post or edit entries or pages.  Good times.  Will need to register as a use to post comments, so we can keep the hack spammers away.  :/

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