Feb 12

Now Komfort Kruisers members

by in David's Ramblings

Last fall, we were contacted by the Komfort Kruisers, and invited to attend one of their events.  This was triggered by the fact we had joined the FMCA (Family Motor Coach Association) and our address (at that time) was in southern California.  It sounded like fun, so we ended up joining them in September at Canyon RV.  What a great group of people.  Granted, we are the youngest, but they are a fun and lively group.  Everyone is ready to help, and it’s been fun getting to know all of them.

We haven’t been able to join them again till now in Temecula, and since this is our second time, we are eligible to be voted in as permanent members of the club, should we choose to join.  It is a great group, and there was no question that we wanted to join.  Another couple, Rich and Jaimie, were also making their second outing with the group, and it was great to see that all of us were voted into the group.  We’re looking forward to more outings with the Komfort Kruiser gang.  Our next one will likely be in Valencia, in May.

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