April 27, 2011

Next outing – Girl Scout “Scout Out”

This weekend we’ll be at our next RV adventure.  This time, Diane and I will be in the RV at a camping area adjacent to the Girl Scout “Scout Out” here in Orange County.  Unlike last weekends RV Resort, this one will be a BIT more primitive, with no hookups or amenities, unless you count […]

April 25, 2011

First trip out – a success

Diane, Molly, and I spent the weekend at “The Springs at Borrego RV Park“. We had a “fun” trip out, as the GPS took us on a route that included signs saying vehicles longer than 40′ were not allowed.  With the 35′ of the RV, plus Diane’s car on the back, we greatly exceeded that […]

April 7, 2011

Getting the “Toad” / “Dinghy” ready

In the RV world, they call them Toads or Dinghy’s, but it’s basically the car/truck/jeep you pull behind your RV. You could use a trailer, or a tow dolly, or “flat” tow, where all four wheels of the towed vehicle are on the ground. Flat towing is the best from the stand point of reducing […]

March 22, 2011


It has been a very hectic March for all of us. We finally got everything squared away with the RV, and I was able to pick it up on March 5th. Diane’s Dad helped out by shuttling Molly and I to the dealer for the final paperwork and delivery. This is while Diane and Megan […]

February 13, 2011

Still waiting, but, made a slight change

We’re still waiting for the credit verification portion to be complete. Not sure why it is taking so long. I’m told it is the credit reporting agencies that are causing the delay. Basically, there’ a guy who looks over the credit report, and makes recommendations that will raise the score. He then has to go […]

January 28, 2011


It’s been almost 3 weeks now since we bought the RV. We’re still working with the financing guy, and waiting to hear when we can pick it up and get our orientation. This financing “thing” was way different than when we bought any other car, and even different than when we bought the house. It […]

January 4, 2011

New Website format, preparing for the future.

If you’re watching this, you’ll see many changes over the next couple months. We’re trying to prep ourselves to go mobile. We’ve got lawyer meetings this week, and will have a better idea of our abilities to “do this” after those meetings.

Previous Months posts

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