November 6, 2011

Technology not helping…

Another early rise and hitting the road.  This routine is working, and no one getting cranky from being woken up too early.  This is good.  The goal for this day had originally been to get to Russellville, AR, but we’ve got a 1.5 hour jump by staying in Shamrock instead of Amarillo.  It’s a tad […]

November 4, 2011

Now in Texas

Another easy day.  Up early for me, prepped and pulled out while the girls kept sleeping.  Diane gets woken up a bit, and helps with some odds and ends, finding things like headphones, etc., and then back to bed. We seem to be ahead of the bad weather getting to CA now, and the winds […]

November 3, 2011

Exceeding expectations…

Well, it’s been pretty easy actually.  I got up, disconnected everything outside, got the cat secured, fired up the engine and pulled in the sides, lifted the levelers, pulled out, hooked up the CRV, and headed on down the road.  Diane and Molly still resting comfortably in their beds.  Made it to Barstow for gas […]

November 2, 2011

RV Life, Day 4 – the big first trip begins

All the moving and sorting that can be done in the time we have, has been done.  The RV has a little bit of extra stuff, but we’ll be organizing that, off loading via mail, trash can, or friends, along the way.  It’s been sad for Molly and Diane saying good bye to friends and […]

October 30, 2011

RV Life…Day 1

Well, I’m not going to try to count the days necessarily, but this one is important.  It’s Sunday, October 30, and we’ve parked the RV at Canyon RV Park, just off the 91 between Yorba Linda and Corona.  We’d stayed here a few months back with the Komfort Kruisers, and felt it would be good […]

October 28, 2011


It’s Friday, October 28, 2011.  All the travel for Roadshows and stuff at work is done.   Today, the DirecTV goes back on, a small dumpster shows up out front, and it’s my last day here at this home office.  We’ll be packing from now till Sunday, and officially move into the RV on Sunday. […]

October 13, 2011

Getting down to the wire…

We’re heading out three weeks from today.  I have no idea how we are all going to actually get all of our things packed, stored, loaded, etc., let alone deal with all the emotional aspects of what we are doing.  It’s been a trying time for each one of us at different times along this […]

September 13, 2011

Canyon RV with the Komfort Kruisers

We had looked around at several RV parks/resorts in the local Orange County area over the past few months.  We know that we’ll be here for various holidays and to help support Megan when she is not in school.  One of them that had caught our eye was the Canyon RV Park which is right […]

August 9, 2011

Back home

We got in yesterday afternoon, after 8 nights of RV style vacation and roadtrip.  Everyone (except maybe Francie) reported they had a good time, but were glad to be home and settled in.  We had over 1000 miles logged, and 4 different RV parks checked out.  We even used a Blue Beacon truck wash location […]

August 8, 2011

Sommerville Almond Tree RV Park

Not sure if the tree’s are actually Almond tree’s.  We’ll have to take a closer look tomorrow. We’ve stopped here as a planned overnight for our trip home.  Originally, the thought was that Diane and Molly would spend most of today at the Homeschool conference, but they were just too tuckered out this morning.  We […]

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