Feb 06

Pio Pico and other Fulltime Families

by in David's Ramblings, Family, RV

Had a great time over the weekend with all the Fulltime Families.  The evening group dinners and campfire were a nice change to our normal “just us” routine.  Got to chat with all of them at different points, and get to know everyone.  The kids all got along great too.  Seeing how they have things setup gave us  some ideas.  I definitely want to add a cell booster and upgrade my WiFi grabber ability.  Chris Travalingo has a nice setup that attaches to the TV antennae, and gets an awesome range, but I’ll do the cell signal booster first.  Just need to order the bits from Amazon or the 3G store.

And then…

There was a company call today, that would trigger a significant increase in my phone usage.  Couple that, with a degradation of the Pio Pico WiFi, and we had to move.  I made a call to the Pechanga RV Park in Temecula, CA, and they had a space available for us.  This was to be our destination for Thursday evening, but we needed to head there early in order to have good phone and Internet coverage for the work activities.

We’ll just be acclimated to our surroundings in advance of the big upcoming Komfort Kruisers event.

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