Oct 28


by in David's Ramblings, Family, RV

It’s Friday, October 28, 2011.  All the travel for Roadshows and stuff at work is done.   Today, the DirecTV goes back on, a small dumpster shows up out front, and it’s my last day here at this home office.  We’ll be packing from now till Sunday, and officially move into the RV on Sunday.  Movers are coming Tuesday to get the furniture and boxes, and get all of that over to the storage unit.  There are lots of emotions running around as we get closer.  Hopefully we can all keep it together in these final days, and then start enjoying the new fun and excitement.

We’ve got reservations and locations lined up for our longer stays from now till December.  Working on getting something for about a week in AZ/NM area, then we’ll be in SoCal the second half of December and into January.  Also trying to find/buy a Thousand Trails membership.  I see them on Craigslist and Ebay, and will likely make the purchase sometime after we sell the FJ.  That will just make things easier.  Having the ability to stay 3 weeks and go park-to-park will be awesome.  Given the number of locations they have across California, it will fit in with our late winter/spring plans to try and visit all of the California Missions.

Should start seeing posts from Diane on here soon.  We’ve got the blog linked up to our new Twitter account, @KnightBusAdvntr, and will soon link it to our FB page, Adventures in the Knight Bus.  She was hoping to be able to write up stuff, then have it go out to everyone (that wanted it), and we’ll get that all linked up soon.

Busy times!


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